017: Latam Founders Series: Jose Zambrano & Galt Energys rise to the top in Mexico

Published: Feb. 4, 2017, 4:37 a.m.


In this episode of SunCast, I\'d like to introduce you to my friend, Jose Zambrano, Founder & CEO of Galt Energy, one of Mexico\\u2019s fastest growing residential and commercial solar installers.  This is the inaugural episode of the "Latam Founders Series", and I really think it\\u2019s a great example of the kinds of entrepreneurs we\\u2019re seeing arise in the solar industry throughout Latam.  Galt and Jose are emblematic of solid fundamentals, great leadership, and being out ahead of what we believe will be a massive wave of solar growth in Mexico.  

In today\\u2019s episode, Jose and I dig into exactly how Galt has become one of the fastest growing solar companies in Mexico, maybe in Latin America.

It\'s impressive to see how they\\u2019ve built such a successful system to scale the company, and he shares the tools and mindset that have helped them get to this stage in their growth.

He even shares the secret hiring tip that took their system failures down to zero.

If you\'ve ever wondered how to start and scale a distributed solar company in latin America, or how to sell to one, then keep your pen handy, you might want to take some notes.

If you like what you hear, please SHARE it!

And be sure to check out all the rest of the episodes in this series, which are forthcoming - stay tuned!!!

If you want to connect with today\'s guest, you\\u2019ll find links to his contact info in the show notes on the blog at https://mysuncast.com/suncast-episodes/.

SunCast is presented by Sungrow, the world\\u2019s most bankable inverter brand.

SunCast is also supported by PVcase & Trina.

You can learn more about all the sponsors who help make this show free for you at www.mysuncast.com/sponsors.

Remember, you can always find resources, learn more about today\\u2019s guest and explore recommendations, book links, and more than 650 other founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com.

You can connect with me, Nico Johnson, on:

Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/nicomeo

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickalus
