Subject to: Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Published: Dec. 2, 2021, 2:46 p.m.

Teodor Gabriel Crainic is Full Professor of Operations Research, Transportation, and Logistics, and holds the Chair on Intelligent Logistics and Transportation Systems Planning in the School of Management, Université du Québec à Montréal. He is also Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Université de Montréal, and senior scientist at CIRRELT, the Interuniversity Research Center for Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation, where he is Director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory. Professor Crainic is a member of the Royal Society of Canada – The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada. He co-founded, in 1991, the TRISTAN - TRienial Symposium on Transportation Analysis and, in 2000, the Odysseus - International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics series of international meetings. He contributes to several editorial boards. He was President of the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS, Director of the Centre for Research on Transportation (currently CIRRELT), and received the 2006 Merit Award of the Canadian Operational Research Society. The research interests of Professor Crainic are in network, integer, and combinatorial optimization, meta-heuristics, and parallel computing applied to the planning and management of complex systems, particularly in transportation and logistics. Major contributions targeted the design, scheduling and management of consolidation-based carrier services, including uncertainty, resource and revenue management considerations, as well as routing and scheduling, Intelligent Transportation Systems, City Logistics, new business and organizational transportation and logistics models, regional planning of multimodal freight transportation systems, and combinatorial electronic markets. Professor Crainic published some 290 scientific papers and chapters, and has a h-index of 77 (Google Scholar). He co-edited the Network Design with Applications in Transportation and Logistics book published by Springer in 2021, as well as numerous special issues of major scientific journals. He supervised over 160 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.