The Name's La Guardia

Published: March 25, 2015, 1 a.m.

b'Fiorello Henry La Guardia\\xa0 was born Fiorello Enrico La Guardia) (December 11, 1882\\xa0\\u2013 September 20, 1947) was the 99th Mayor of New York for three terms from 1934 to 1945 as a Republican. Previously he had been elected to Congress in 1916 and 1918, and again from 1922 through 1930. Irascible, energetic, and charismatic, he craved publicity and is acclaimed as one of the three or four greatest mayors in American history. Only five feet (1.52 m) tall, he was called "the Little Flower" (Fiorello is Italian for "little flower"). New York\'s Mayor /Tammany Hall In New York City, Tammany Hall had helped Democratic politicians maintain a tight grip on politics for years. In his 1929 bid to become mayor, La Guardia had been defeated by James J. Walker, an incumbent Tammany politician. However, corruption charges had cut Walker\'s term short, and La Guardia decided to run again in 1933. He won the election, becoming the first Italian-American mayor of New York City.Tonite we will learn about the lfe of Mayor Fiorello his accomplishments and how they apply today. Guest Ralph Rubinek and Doreen Finkle\\xa0 nee LA Guardia\\n\\nFor more about Mayor Fiorello please visit our website at Sponsor\\n\\nTo donate and support the sponsor go here DONATE\\n\\nHost Ruben Torres'