Standardized Testing ,Common Core, Your Locality

Published: Sept. 27, 2013, 1 a.m.

If you are in the Parsipany locality  and your children are inschool, you would have received a letter from the district yesterday stating how standardized testing will be brought into line with "Common Core." I this episode we describe how it will effect testing and why this curriculum "type" does not benefit your needs.  The letter reads " "On June 16 , 2010 the NJ State Board of Education adopted the "Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Math. Forty-five states and DC have now adopted the Common Core State Standards .  New Jersey has implemented the CCSS for grades 3-5 mathematics and grades 3-8 in English. Guests stars are Wendy Day (Candidate for State Representative in Mich.) For more on her go here:  For more on the letter go our site at log onto our forum at youthforindependence