Published: March 5, 2014, 2 a.m.

b'AND THE MARXISM CONTINUES! The Phillipsburg Wrestlers are being sued by an African American Family (whose child was on the Paulsboro Team)\\xa0 claiming\\xa0 emotional suffrage. See NBC10\\xa0 The punishing continues even after the boys apologized and admitted they never meant the photo to symbolize anything racist.\\xa0 They were punished by not being allowed to futher their efforts in the wrestling comptetion and suspended by the school district. The event started when the boys wanted to celebrate a victory and their moving on in the competition.\\xa0 They celebrated by hanging a dark brown leather(90 percent of the dummies manufactured in wrestling are that color-A FACT NOT MENTIONED IN THE ORIGINAL STAR LEDGER ARTICLE) dummy on a noose and one boy wore a hoodie. It was then posted on the net and was only meant to be a prank, never a racist statement. Paulsboro saw it and reported it to the Star Ledger (who put the adult spin on it and spread it around -callin it a racist statement). The newspapers then went and posted the students names (including the underage ones) all over the net. The students are being investigated by the NJ Civil Rights Division for Federal Charges on Hate Crimes.\\xa0 This is a law that does not apply to whites when whites are attacked by blacks .\\xa0\\n\\nCASE 2: CONDI RICE: "YOU CAN\' SPEAK AT RUTGERS GRADUATION." ACADEMIC FREEDOM DENIED! The Rutgers University faculty council has passed a resolution calling for the school to rescind Condoleezza Rice\\u2019s invitation to speak at commencement. Rudolph Bell, a professor of history,\\xa0 "Academic freedom doesn\\u2019t guarantee the right to be a speaker or receive an honorary degree."'