Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 2 a.m.

b'Cisco and Falzon Hour\\n\\nBroadcast in Politics\\n\\n\\nCall in to speak with the host: Cisco Acosta, Mark Falzon, and guest (845) 262-0988\\n\\n\\nJoin us tonight, at 9:00 pm eastern time, with our guest, \\xa0Paul Preston\\xa0is the Founder and President of The Movement for a New California State. Paul is also the host of Red State Talk Radio\\u2019s \\u201cAgenda 21 Radio."\\n\\nThe New California State movement came alive over five years ago and is now on the verge of becoming the 51ststate in the Union. Concerned about the creep of socialism and communism in the state of California over the past thirty years Paul searched for a way to stop the ultimate totalitarian\\xa0take-over\\xa0of the state\\xa0of California and the United States. Paul found it in the Founding Fathers Article IV, Section 3 with the formation of a new state from a pre-existing state. \\xa0\\n\\nNew California State declared Independence from the state of California on January 15, 2020 following Article IV, Section 3 (state split clause) of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, New California State conducted 7 constitutional conventions, created a bicameral legislature, passed 26 resolutions, established 56 county committees and selected delegates to the upcoming convention to draft the New California State Constitution. New California was recently informed observers from the White House will be at the second convention in February 2021 as observers.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\nTopics for discussion:\\xa0 \\xa0New California, Medical Tyranny, Homelessness crisis in California.\\n\\n\\nShow Writer: Doreen Ann\\n\\n\\nShow Sponsor:'