Meet Omar Navarro Candidate for Congress (R) (CA-D 43)

Published: Oct. 26, 2017, 1 a.m.

b'Omar Navarro, is running for Congressional Office in Caifornias district 43.\\xa0 His opponent is Maxine Waters (D).\\xa0\\xa0He unveiled his official campaign theme of, \\u201cProactive Leadership for the 21st Century.\\u201d\\xa0 He is\\xa0 an advocate against the redistricting commission\\u2019s maps for gerrymandering and has\\xa0served as a local Traffic Commissioner in the city of Torrance, CA.\\xa0 He states "I will work with anyone, regardless of party affiliation, to sustain and create jobs, invest in education and balance our budget \\u2013 with a plan that stands up for the middle class, keeps taxes low and protects Medicare and Social Security." He will:\\n\\n\\n\\tTo find out more about Omar Navarro click HERE\\n\\n\\n\\t\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\tHOSTS: DOREEN LA GUARDIA (LUZZATTO)\\xa0 AND CISCO ACOSTA\\n\\n\\n\\tThis show sponsored by the non profit\\xa0\\\\n\\n\\n\\tTo make a donation click HERE\\n\\n\\n\\t\\xa0\\n\\n\\t\\tBuild Our Nation\\u2019s Military Readiness and Posture\\n\\n\\t\\t\\tBack Our Current Fighting Forces and Our Veterans\\n\\n\\n\\t\\t\\tStrengthen Homeland Security to Keep Our Country Safe\\n\\n\\n\\t\\t\\tHelp Hunt Down and Defeat Terror Cells Here In Our Country\\n\\n\\n\\t\\t\\tEnact Legislation For Higher Scrutiny of Refugees'