Published: Feb. 8, 2018, 2 a.m.

b'"Set in modern day, RANIM HAMADEI, a foreign-born terrorist, now finds herself legally on American soil, preparing to bring the terror and death from her native country of Afghanistan to the United States. Caught in a routine FBI sting operation, Hamadei\\u2019s plot for a 9-11 type terrorist attack is accidently uncovered.\\xa0 The problem is, the FBI doesn\\u2019t know how, doesn\\u2019t know where, and doesn\\u2019t know by whom the attack will take place. What they do ascertain is that an enormous explosive, that will make Timothy McVey\\u2019s fertilizer bomb seem like a sparkler, is set to detonate tomorrow, on 9-11 at exactly 8:48 AM to commemorate the famed Al Qaeda attack.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nWhen conventional interrogation techniques fail to produce any significant information, the question arises weather to utilize more enhanced interrogation methods. Morality is tested as our political leaders grapple with the dilemma they face. The idea between what is right and what is ethical becomes blurred as the tock ticks down to the next 911-type of attack. "\\n\\nWhen we talk about this topic, we will be discussing morality.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nJoin us tonite 9pm Eastern as we chat with the Film Maker\\xa0of the Movie " Enhanced Interrogation."\\xa0 - Daryl Brooks\\xa0 To find out more information on the movie, go HERE\\n\\nOr Click on the Enhanced Interrogation Movie Link HERE\\n\\nShow Hists:\\xa0 Doreen La Guardia\\xa0 \\xa0Cisco Acosta.\\n\\n\\xa0Show sponsor:\\xa0 Studentsforabetterfuture.com'