"Education Erotica" The Porn Epidemic of Today

Published: Sept. 3, 2014, 1 a.m.

b'-$3,075.64 is spent on viewing sex sites.\\n\\n-28,258 people are viewing it.\\xa0\\n\\n-372 people are typing adult search terms\\n\\nEvery 39 minutes a\\xa0new video is created in the United States\\n\\n-In 2006 13.33 Billion was spent in the US in the industry which\\xa0exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS and NBC\\n\\n-In a 1985 study, 92 percent of men had looked at Playboy by age 15; in a 2008 study, 74 percent had seen Internet \\u2014usually featuring genitalia, intercourse, and often group sex\\u2014by age 15\\xa0\\n\\nFor Further reading go here:\\xa0http://www.studentsforabetterfuture.com/dating-relationships/\\n\\nBy far we are experiencing ograhy like no other society has in the past. \\xa0 It is affordable, acessible, and can be done anonymously. \\xa0Tonite we discuss with sex counselor Pat Purpura on the effects it has on society.\\xa0\\n\\nThis show sponsored by Studentsaforabetterfuture.com\\n\\nWatch our tv show here: \\xa0https://www.youtube.com/user/Libertyactionnetwork'