Collateral Damage

Published: Oct. 19, 2017, 1 a.m.

b'It is not a gun that killed 58 nor wounded scores of others\\xa0at Las Vegas but an ideology-\\xa0 one developed in the past two centuries, enhanced by technology of the current modern day that consists of left leaning policies in coordinance with mass media.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0It is the ideology and dogma of dehumainizing something you hate.\\xa0 A prime example of this is CBS Executive\\xa0Hayley Geftman-Gold.\\xa0 Fired for saying she "doesn\'t have any sympathy for the victims."\\xa0 Ask yourself , "What are with predjudices and biases like this doing in high powered\\xa0 positions?"\\xa0 The FBI has lists of mass murderers, mainly of those who are in between ages 20 and 50.\\xa0 Stephen Paddok was 64.\\xa0 He had been cultivated by the mass media,or some say, "the fake news" left wing who has preached tiime and time again to hate Christians, to hate, whites, to hate the middle class.\\xa0 What the mass media did to Stephen Paddoks mind " was desentize it, so much to the point that the victims who were mostly white, Christian, and Conservative, to where they weren\'t even HUMAN. Low and behold folKs, this tHis the doga of the left and those who want to seize control and promote their ways.\\xa0 \\xa0The 58 people were collateral damage.\\xa0 That\'s all they were.\\xa0 They were made to seem not human so as make Stephen Paddok kill. "It\'s okay to kill people for the greater good."\\xa0 Says their strategy.\\xa0 "The means will justify the ends."\\xa0 Hayley Geftman-Gold is a registered Democrat, former campaign worker for Hillary Clinton and former CBS Executive.\\xa0 Show Sponsor\\n\\nHosts: Doreen Laguardia Cisco Acosta'