Caricaturist/ Roman Genn on Current Issues of the Day

Published: Sept. 12, 2014, 1 a.m.

b'Roman Genn\\xa0(born May 17, 1972, Moscow) is an American artist. He is most well known for his illustrations for the conservative magazine\\xa0National Review, of which he is a contributing editor.\\xa0Genn grew up in Moscow and moved to the United States in 1991. While living in the USSR he was repeatedly arrested for publicly exhibiting anti-government caricatures.Besides the National Review, Genn\'s work has appeared in the\\xa0Los Angeles Times, the\\xa0New York Times,\\xa0Wall Street Journal,\\xa0Washington Post,\\xa0Chicago \\xa0Tribune,Baltimore Sun,\\xa0New York Daily News,\\xa0International Herald Tribune,\\xa0Newsday,\\xa0Newsweek,\\xa0Harper/Collins,\\xa0Penguin Group\\xa0(USA), Saatchi & Saatchi,\\xa0TV Guide,Barron\'s, and\\xa0The American Lawyer, among others.\\xa0There was an uproar during the Clinton years when Genn depicted Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore on a \\xa0National Review\\xa0cover titled "The Manchurian Candidates."Genn\'s covers depicting\\xa0Sonia Sotomayor\\xa0as a Buddha and President\\xa0Barack Obama\\xa0as a\\xa0proctologist\\xa0produced similar responses.I \\xa0For more information on Roman Genn, go here:\\xa0\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0This show\\xa0sponsored\\xa0by\\n\\nCredits: Opening Song Ann Wolf \\xa0"America\\n\\nClosing song \\xa0"I Believe, Our father" Martin Niviera'