Brian Kolfage, the originator of the GoFundMe page,and founder of WeBuildTheWall

Published: April 5, 2019, 1 a.m.

b'Broadcast in Politics\\n\\n\\nCall in to speak with the hosts: Cisco Acosta, Luther Mays, and our guest (646) 915-8117\\n\\n\\nJoin us on April\\xa0 4, at 9 pm eastern time, SPECIAL GUEST, Brian Kolfage, the founder of the border wall\\xa0GoFundMe campaign, is\\xa0full speed ahead with\\xa0building the wall and has a\\xa0heavy hitting advisory board\\xa0across industries to help -\\xa0\\xa0Steve Bannon, Tom Tancredo, Curt Schilling, Kris Kobach, (Ret.) Brig. General\\xa0Dr. Rob Spalding, John Daniel Moran and more.\\n\\nTopics for discussion:\\xa0 The status of \\xa0building The Wall, When will construction begin?, and Setting the Record Straight on the funds collected\\n\\nUS Air Force Security Forces Senior Airman Brian Kolfage was born in Detroit and grew up in Waikiki, Hawaii. The Air Force sent him to Iraq in 2003. On September 11, 2004, during his second tour, his airbase in Balad, Iraq fell under rocket attack. Brian was thrown into the air, losing both of his legs and his right arm instantly. He remained conscious the entire time. The doctors at Walter Reed National Medical Center began to prepare Brian\\u2019s family for his death. He remained in a coma for three weeks but made a miraculous recovery. With incredible determination, Brian walked out of Walter Reed only 11 months after being injured. Today, Brian is the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war. He is driven by his love for life and his family. Brian, his wife and daughter moved into their specially adapted smart home on October 18, 2016.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nShow sponsor:'