1965 Immigration Act and Death To America

Published: Feb. 22, 2017, 2 a.m.

Death to America! \xa0Did you ever wonder why if the fact you are Mexican, born in America, that you automatically have Mexican citizenship? \xa0 Or, if you are born in America-but are Jewish, you have automatic citizenship with Israel? \xa0So why niot have a baby on American soil-Let the American people fund all of the expenses. \xa0Why not take the wealth of the American people -drain them, and pump the money back into our own country. \xa0One day, there will be no more America left and such a thing cant happen.Such a wonderful idea though, If you are \xa0of these descents. \xa0Most Americans, particulary Western Europeans who have immigrated here legally only have one citizenship-American. \xa0These people get hosed on their taxes which pay for the education, healthcare, jobs and whatever of these people. \xa01965 Immigration Act repealed the 1952 McCarren-WalterAct. \xa0The 1952 McCarren-Walter Act , was such;\n\nThe Law:\xa0Federal legislation that removed restrictions on Asian immigration while also tightening government control over suspected subversive organizations and individuals\n\nDate:\xa0Enacted on June 27, 1952\n\nAlso known as:\xa0McCarran-Walter Act\n\n\n\tHosts: Reuben Torresn, Doreen Finkle, Panelist Luther Mays \xa0 Special Guests Ruthie Hendrycks \xa0- the\xa0Ruthie Report\n\n\n\t\xa0\n\n\n\tThis show sponsored by\xa0Students For A Better Future