Private Equity & Venture Capital in Portfolio Construction - Cedar Capital - with David Armstrong

Published: Aug. 8, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

b'Welcome back Dave - Dave was the very first guest that we had on Strategic Investor Radio, back in October, 2014.\\xa0 His patience with us in those early days was greatly appreciated and we are always glad to be the beneficiaries of his insights into the world of investing.\\xa0 He has an MBA from U. of Chicago and is the Portfolio Manager for Cedar Capital, specializing in portfolio construction, typically within a quantitative framework and the ways in which Alternative Investments work within a portfolio.\\xa0 Using a recently created index by Thomson Reuters, focused on Venture Capital and Private Equity investments, with about 6000 Private Equity firms and 28,000 Venture Capital firms, this index offers diversification into these markets typically not available to the private investor. Any investor will find this conversation to be not only interesting but focused on a subject that is very helpful and important to them.'