Using Productivity to Press Publish on a Better Life Story

Published: Aug. 11, 2021, 7 a.m.

Can productivity really be the key to tipping the odds in your favor for living an even greater life than you imagine? My guest Mike Williams lives and breathes in stories of productivity. He has years and years of experience and plenty of stories to share about how we can gain clarity and be more productive for the best life possible.

In this episode, Mike shares how a date night spawned a heartbreaking realization that initiated his productivity journey. He also reveals two questions to ask yourself that can help increase your productivity and receive all the inherent benefits, and so much more. Listen to how he went from pressing the publish button on his first blog to being a company CEO, and you’ll discover the power of “pressing publish” to begin your own journey, telling personal stories on multiple levels, and winning small to win big.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How to tell micro-stories at different levels of your life
  • What causes people to get productivity wrong
  • How to turn chaos into clarity

Who is Mike?

Mike Williams is a speaker, author, executive, and coach who helps leaders obtain small wins with a big impact on their lives and businesses. His dad was a football coach and teacher, so coaching and teaching have always been in his DNA. He gives people the actionable tools to succeed on their terms with less effort and be at the top of their game in all areas of life.

Through his leadership roles with General Electric, The David Allen Company, and Zappos, Mike kept noticing that people were desperate for a better path to productivity to help them fight digital distractions, mind clutter, and wasteful uses of their time. But the only resources available involved complex approaches, reading thick self-help books, or participating in boring seminars. He knew a better way existed--one rooted in simplicity and realism. So in his pursuit, he spent two decades working with thousands of people across different industries--from rocket scientists to students to nonprofit organizations.

Today, Mike assists clients using an effective coaching methodology that’s far from complicated. He also used what works to create Doing to Done, a visually engaging book about quick wins with significant impacts, coming in September 2021. Bringing a bit of Southern California energy to his work, he firmly believes that managing stress through better productivity shouldn’t be so stressful.

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