
Published: Oct. 13, 2017, 9:16 p.m.

The Northern Star that guides those who are lost from sky to earth to ocean was born of a flower. So was the giant Scorpion, the Herald of Death, who carries the departed past the veil into the afterworld. And so was the Blue Butterfly, the Emblem of Life, who guides newly arrived souls to their earthly anchors. The star, the scorpion, and the butterfly. The three are bound by an ancestor at once humble and extraordinary. It had no name in its short life. Now it is called Imberflos, the Stormflower.

In a gray world without Wonder or Mystery, can the blooming of a single flower make any difference?

Find out in this episode of the Storyfeather podcast.

Genre: Mythology


Story: "Imberflos" Copyright © 2014 by Nila L. Patel


“Mysterious Trip-hop Lounge Beat” by Digital_Emotions

“It’s a Mystery” by Lee Rosevere

“Featherlight” by Lee Rosevere

“Reflections” by Lee Rosevere

“Baldachin" by Lee Rosevere

Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0