Episode 255 - SFGT | Old Time Radio - The Word [Remastered]

Published: April 6, 2018, midnight

Old Time Radio - The Word [Remastered] Station: Light's Out Welcome Listener! What if everyone around you disappeared!!! Well, in today's story "The Word" an Old Time Radio episode, the people of the world are gone...what now? Stay to till the end of this episode, as there is an interesting time capsule about the war in the last couple of minutes as well. Enjoy, and remember, people...they say crazy...and even crazier things!! XD Enjoy your weekend! Links to check out: Quiet, Please Link: www.quietplease.org/ Visit me here: www.storiesfablesghost.wixsite.com/storiesfables Send me your stories here: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com Help the Podcast grow and support me on iTunes: goo.gl/Bw4kXP Thank you all for listening! ******** Contact / Links / Extra information below: Go on, leave an iTunes Review: goo.gl/Bw4kXP #Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/StoriesFablesGhostlyTales #Twitter: twitter.com/StoriesFablesGT #Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtTN-6a_PS38eO90wzcNew