Bernie Klein. A Legendary Professor

Published: March 29, 2021, 11 p.m.

Bernie Klein was a professor of political science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. His specialty was urban politics.  He was probably the single most popular classroom instructor on campus.  Students would sign up just to hear the stories he told about Detroit and Michigan politics.  (He would also manage to slip in a few dirty jokes from time to time).  

Three times Bernie was called into service to be Acting Chancellor when the regular chancellor took a job in another place. 

Bernie retired in the early 1990s but for generations of students he was unforgettable.  He died in April of 2020, an early victim of Coronavirus.  I wrote this tribute to him within a few days and shared it with my colleagues on campus.  I am happy to share it now with any of you who would like to listen.