Episode 24//Chris Buono

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 5 a.m.

My guest today is the great guitarist/instructor Chris Buono. I met Chris in 2003 through our mutual friend David Fiuczynski while doing a thing at Berklee College of Music. Chris and I have played music together a lot - a good bit of that music has been with the great drummer Tobias Ralph. I've also played bass on many of Chris’s TrueFire courses including an in-depth interactive course along with Keith Carlock called In The Jam: NYC Funk.

In addition to being a kick ass guitar player who’s played with people like Dweezil Zappa, Bumblefoot, Graham Haynes, Karsh Kale, Snarky Puppy, etc., Chris is one helluva guitar instructor. Former students include Bob Lanzetti, Rob Compa, Ben Levin, Aurelien Budynek and Harvey Valdes to name a few. He has over 40 courses through TrueFire, he’s been a contributing writer for Guitar One, Just Jazz Guitar and currently Guitar Player magazine and makes instructional content for Guitarinstructor.com. Chris was also a member of the Guitar Department at Berklee College of Music for a time and has several books published by Alfred & Hal Leonard.

We had a great chat back in June where our conversation begins talking about the new challenges in hustling brought on by this pandemic. Be sure to stick around at the end for our thoughts on our mutual hero, Eddie Van Halen.