Kerry Abner: Grey Hair Matters: Embracing the Opportunities and Changing the Culture

Published: Sept. 14, 2023, 3:45 p.m.


Kerry Abner is the visionary founder behind Manhattan Grey, a revolutionary haircare line specifically designed for people with grey hair.\\xa0


As a military brat born in the Bronx, New York, Kerry\'s upbringing took him on a diverse journey across different cultures, including living in England, Japan, and Florida. This broad exposure nurtured his passion for creativity and a desire to explore unique paths.


With a strong background in marketing, Kerry honed his skills in the music industry, working on global marketing campaigns for music genres like hip hop and R&B. However, it was his personal experience with grey hair that sparked a new entrepreneurial pursuit.\\xa0


Starting to notice his grey hair at a young age, Kerry initially struggled with feelings of insecurity, which led him to explore various hair products in the market.


Finding a void in the marketplace for products that catered specifically to grey hair\'s unique needs, Kerry had an "aha" moment. Inspired by the iconic hair grease brand, Murrays, he envisioned a clean, upscale formula that would empower individuals to embrace their grey hair confidently.\\xa0


As the CEO and founder of Manhattan Grey, Kerry has taken on the challenge of building a brand that challenges the norms and empowers people to embrace their individuality.\\xa0


With a passionate spirit and an eye for innovative marketing strategies, Kerry is on a mission to make Manhattan Grey a symbol of empowerment and self-expression for generations to come.


In my interview with him, he discusses the challenges he faces, including cash flow and the importance of seeking investment to take his brand to the next level.\\xa0


Kerry also shares valuable insights into the product development process, including how he utilized essential oils and clean formulations to cater to the needs of individuals with grey hair.\\xa0


His approach to marketing through influencers and digital platforms provides a valuable lesson in reaching and resonating with a diverse audience.


Additionally, Kerry\'s determination to challenge societal norms and redefine the narrative around grey hair will inspire entrepreneurs to pursue meaningful ventures that create positive impacts on society.\\xa0

Listen in to learn more.\\xa0

Key Takeaways


1. Embrace the long-term game of building a brand, knowing that success takes dedication and perseverance.


2. Challenge cultural perceptions with products and narratives that promote inclusivity and confidence; like Manhattan Grey\'s impact on attitudes towards grey hair.


3. Conduct in-depth market research to shape your product and address real customer needs, using surveys and feedback to inform development.


4. Leverage digital marketing and influencers to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness effectively.


5. Pursue strategic partnerships and investments to scale your business and expand your product line.


6. Stay authentic and true to your purpose throughout your entrepreneurial journey, knowing that your unique perspective can create a meaningful impact.



[00:01:52] Kerry Abner introduces himself as the founder of Manhattan Grey, a haircare line specifically designed for people with grey hair.\\xa0


[00:10:34] The shifting cultural perceptions around grey hair; while men are often celebrated for their distinguished grey hair, women may face ageism and insecurity due to societal beauty standards.\\xa0


[00:14:17] Kerry shares his journey of product development and finding the right formula for Manhattan Grey.


[00:17:16] Kerry\\u2019s intentional marketing approach; using surveys to gather feedback from potential customers, leveraging influencers to promote his product, and focusing on a clean, vegan, and upscale image for the brand.


[00:23:11] The importance of being prepared for the long-term commitment of running a product-based business.\\xa0


[00:24:41] Future plans for Manhattan Grey. Kerry\\u2019s plan to seek investment, expand the product line, and potentially entering the retail space by partnering with larger retailers.\\xa0



1. "This is a long-term game. This is not something that you\'re gonna jump into in the first, second, third year and cash out. Approach entrepreneurship with the mindset that you\'re going to dedicate a few years of your life into it. This is not a quick fix."\\xa0


2. "I think men get a little bit more celebrated for a distinguished grey hair, salt and pepper look versus women. And I think that\'s kind of the catch 22 when it comes to embracing the grey conversation."


3. "I felt like all the stars aligned with my idea and I got very excited and motivated to pursue my entrepreneurship dream."\\xa0


Connect with Kerry


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