To the "Rescue"

Published: Jan. 24, 2021, 1:58 p.m.


I have and exciting adventure, although to anyone looking for the outside perfectly normal stuff happened. I also might have meet an old nemesis of mine. 


Whispered Madness Playlist


Of distant eyes and Silent Roar - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


Madness Spreads - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


To the "Rescue" - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


In bleakest winter - choices quarrelously questioned - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


Bleakest Winter - Train of Trilemmas arrives - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


Bleakest Winter - Train of Trilemmas Terminates - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker


Bleakest Winter - Above a churning Sea - Sryth bedtime stories | Breaker

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