Your Shortcut to... where the wars are up to

Published: Jan. 8, 2024, 6 p.m.

b'We\\u2019re back for our first shortcut of 2024, and if you\\u2019re anything like us, you had a good rest from the news over Christmas and New Year \\u2013 but now it\\u2019s time to check in on two stories that didn\\u2019t take a break over the holidays. We\\u2019re talking, of course, about the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, both of which have seen significant developments in the last couple of weeks.\\nOther things we do:\\nSquiz Today\\xa0- a daily podcast and newsletter that gives a fact-filled run-down of what\\u2019s making news.\\nSquiz Kids\\xa0- a news podcast for curious kids. Age-appropriate news without the nasties!'