Thursday, 8 June: A weird start to winter; New data on our slowing economy; Big drama for... golf?; and porridge tips from a champion

Published: June 7, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

b"The Squiz is your shortcut to the news. More details and links to further reading for all of today\\u2019s news can be found in The Squiz Today email. Click\\xa0here\\xa0to get it in your inbox each weekday morning.\\nToby Wilson's tips for perfect porridge can be found here.\\nAnd check out the double-decker airplane seats here.\\nOther things we do:\\nSquiz Shortcuts\\xa0- a weekly explainer on big news topics\\nSquiz Kids\\xa0- a news podcast for curious kids. Age-appropriate news without the nasties!\\n\\n#Sponsored\\nLearn more about why you should consider Canberra as your next weekend away.\\nStream Deadloch here\\xa0on Prime Video, and if you haven\\u2019t signed up yet - sign on for their offer a 30 day free trial."