Squiz Shortcuts: Your Shortcut to... Andrew Tate

Published: Jan. 27, 2023, 5 a.m.

b"The Squiz team is on a long weekend, but we thought we\\u2019d pop this episode into the Squiz Today feed so you can get across a name that has been making a lot of headlines lately: Andrew Tate. If you like what you hear and want more, we have a whole bank of Squiz Shortcuts covering everything from the latest on the push for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, what's happening in Ukraine, and how 2023 is shaping up for the British royals. Search for Squiz Shortcuts wherever you get your podcasts.\\n\\nSquiz recommends:\\nSquiz Kids - Newshounds\\nYoung people interviewed about Andrew Tate (scroll down to watch)\\nGreta Thunberg's viral reply to Andrew Tate"