Shortcut: The NDIS

Published: Dec. 12, 2023, 1 a.m.

b"Australia\\u2019s National Disability Insurance Scheme, the NDIS, has been operating in some parts of the country for more than a decade now\\u2026 But what has been a fundamental shift in how we support and care for Aussies living with a disability has not been without its problems, and last week a major review of the NDIS was released. In this episode, we look back at why the NDIS was first created, and what the new review recommends.\\nSquiz recommends:\\nRead: the reporting of Nas Campanella, the ABC's disability affairs reporter.\\nOther things we do:\\nSquiz Today\\xa0- a daily podcast and newsletter that gives a fact-filled run-down of what\\u2019s making news.\\nSquiz Kids\\xa0- a news podcast for curious kids. Age-appropriate news without the nasties!"