Monday, 19 December: Footy fans engage in foul behaviour; More tragedy in Iran; Cutting back on chips; And humanising our pooches...

Published: Dec. 18, 2022, 6:37 p.m.

b'The Squiz is your shortcut to the news. More details and links to further reading for all of today\\u2019s news can be found in The Squiz Today email. Click\\xa0here\\xa0to get it in your inbox each weekday morning.\\nLINKS:\\nIf you want to know more about the baby spinach recall, you can find out all the latest info here.\\nAnd if you want to find out how your pooch\\u2019s name rates (or, for that matter, your own\\u2026), a convenient analysis tool can be accessed here.\\nOther things we do:\\nSquiz Shortcuts\\xa0- a weekly explainer on big news topics, including this episode about the ongoing protests in Iran.\\nSquiz Kids\\xa0- a news podcast for curious kids. Age-appropriate news without the nasties!\\nNewshounds - an 8-part media literacy journey teaching primary-school students how to recognise misinformation and disinformation when they come across it. Join Squiz-E the Newshound as he sniffs out fishy stories on the internet and teaches kids to STOP, THINK and CHECK.'