Australia looks to regulate AI; A wet start to 2024; The UK deals with a postal scandal; And inner Sydney gets ready to rock...

Published: Jan. 17, 2024, 6:30 p.m.

b"Thursday, 18 January 2024 \\u2013\\xa0The Squiz is your shortcut to the news. More details and links to further reading for all of today\\u2019s news can be found in The Squiz Today email. Click\\xa0here\\xa0to get it in your inbox each weekday morning.\\n#SPONSORED: Give online therapy a try at\\nYou can find our Year Ahead episode with Lauren Sams, the AFR's Fashion Editor, on Apple or Spotify.\\nOther things we do:\\nSquiz Shortcuts\\xa0- a weekly explainer on big news topics\\nSquiz Kids\\xa0- a news podcast for curious kids. Age-appropriate news without the nasties!"