The Markets, Final Presidential Debate, FDA Approves First Treatment For COVID-19 And Intel Tumbles

Published: Oct. 23, 2020, 2:25 p.m.

b"Carl Quintanilla, Jim Cramer and David Faber explored a number of issues on Wall Street's radar: The second and final presidential debate of the 2020 election - including reaction to President Trump's vaccine timeline, Gilead shares rising after its \\nantiviral remdesivir became the first drug to receive FDA approval for treatment of COVID-19, and Intel shares tumbling after weakness in the chip maker's data center business impacted quarterly results.\\nAlso in focus: Apple's new iPhone 12 hitting stores in China and what to expect from sales of the device in the U.S., plus the stock winners and losers to cap what has been a busy week on the earnings front."