Profiting From Black Friday, the China COVID Effect Hits Apple, M&A: The FTC vs. Microsoft-Activision 11/25/22

Published: Nov. 25, 2022, 3:55 p.m.

b'Carl Quintanilla, David Faber and Morgan Brennan covered all of the retail bases on Black Friday, focusing on what \\ninvestors can expect from the nation\'s chain stores this holiday season. A Cowen retail analyst joined the \\nprogram with his Black Friday picks. A report from on the ground in Beijing: Apple shares under pressure as the company \\ntries to quell unrest at Foxconn\'s major iPhone factory amid China\'s COVID-19 lockdowns and a rise in infections.\\nThe anchors reacted to a report which says The Federal Trade Commission is likely to challenge Microsoft\'s planned $69 billion\\nacquisition of Activision. Oppenheimer Asset Management\'s chief strategist offered his market outlook. Will we see \\na "Santa Claus rally"?'