Powell Speaks, Significant Downside Risks, Stocks Falling, Lone Star State Move?

Published: May 13, 2020, 2:24 p.m.

b'Powell speaks. The \\u201cSquawk on the Street\\u201d team digests comments from the Federal Reserve Chairman, as he speaks with the Peterson Institute for International Economics.\\xa0Stocks falling, the Dow dropping 250 points as Powell says he sees \\u2018significant downside risks.\\u2019\\xa0On the highly debated concept of negative rates Powell says, \\u201cThe committee\\u2019s view on negative rates really has not changed. This is not something that we\\u2019re looking at.\\u201d\\xa0Plus, Hedge Fund Manager Stanley Druckenmiller telling the Economic Club of New York, \\u201cthe risk-reward for equity is maybe as bad as I\\u2019ve seen it in my career.\\u201d And the Tesla reopening saga comes to an end\\u2026 for now.\\xa0Alameda County agreeing to let Tesla reopen if certain conditions are met.\\xa0This comes as Elon Musk speaks with Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott, about moving his factory from California to Texas.'