July Jobs Report, Trump vs. TikTok, Exclusive: Uber CEO

Published: Aug. 7, 2020, 2:14 p.m.

b'Carl Quintanilla, Jim Cramer and David Faber discuss the President\\u2019s executive order over TikTok & WeChat.\\xa0President Trump banning the apps from operating in 45 days if they are not sold by their Chinese-owned parent companies. TikTok fighting back, threatening legal action against the executive order saying, \\u201cThis Executive Order risks undermining global businesses\\u2019 trust in the United States\\u2019 commitment to the rule of law, which has served as a magnet for investment and spurred decades of American economic growth.\\u201d\\xa0And it\\u2019s the July jobs report. Payrolls increasing by nearly 1.8 million, while the unemployment rate fell to 10.2%. Both numbers topping expectations despite a resurgence of Covid-19 across the country.\\xa0Plus, an exclusive interview with the CEO of Uber, after reporting a mixed quarter.\\xa0The company reporting a greater than expected loss, but revenue was better than forecast.\\xa0Demand for Uber\\u2019s ride-hailing service saw a halting recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but the business for the company\\u2019s Uber Eats food delivery service more than doubled compared to a year earlier. The CEO joining the \\u201cSquawk on the Street\\u201d gang to discuss the results, the road ahead for the company and the tensions between the U.S. and China.'