Investors Continue to Assess Financial Risks From Russias Invasion of Ukraine

Published: Feb. 25, 2022, 3:42 p.m.

b'Carl Quintanilla, Jim Cramer and David Faber began the show by breaking down the recent market volatility amid Russia\\u2019s attack on Ukraine. Stocks attempted to rally amid reports that Russia was ready to send delegation to Minsk for talks with Ukraine. CNBC\\u2019s Eunice Yoon also joined the show, live from Beijing, after reporting that Russia\\u2019s Putin and China\\u2019s Xi spoke over the phone. Separately, the anchors hit another batch of big earnings with names like Block, Foot Locker, and Dell all on the move. Jim Cramer highlighted Etsy\\u2019s quarter for his Mad Dash calling it a \\u201csecular winner.\\u201d'