Exclusive Interview With Citi CEO Jane Fraser, The Fed-Fueled Rally, and Snowflake "Melts" on Growth Forecast

Published: March 3, 2022, 4:07 p.m.

b'Carl Quintanilla, Jim Cramer and David Faber explored market volatility one day after comments by Fed Chair Jerome Powell sparked a rally on Wall Street. During testimony on Capitol Hill, Powell said the Fed is not on "autopilot" and that he is "inclined to support" a 25 basis point rate hike in March. David interviewed Citi CEO Jane Fraser in a "CNBC Exclusive," discussing the company\'s strategic bets, the U.S. consumer and "managing down" exposure to Russia. Also in focus: Shares of Snowflake tumbled in reaction to the cloud company\'s weaker-than-expected outlook, Best Buy jumps despite a quarterly sales miss, \\nplus the "Putin effect" on oil prices and stocks.'