Big Banks Bonanza, Fink Bets Big on ESGs and the Fundamental Reshaping of Finance, Teslas Surge

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 3:14 p.m.

b'Carl Quintanilla, Jim Cramer and David Faber breakdown the big banks, as JP Morgan, Citi and Wells Fargo report results. Plus, Larry Fink\\u2019s big bet on ESG\\u2019s. The CEO of the world\\u2019s largest money manager believes the intensifying climate crisis will bring about a fundamental reshaping of finance. Delta beats the street on both the top and bottom line.\\xa0CEO Ed Bastian told CNBC that the airline had a very strong holiday season and that Delta has had good success in de-commoditizing its business. And another day, another record all-time high for Tesla. \\u201cThe Squawk on the Street\\u201d gang discusses how far the stock could go from here.'