SLS: Podcast Movement & Spreaker Monetization Update

Published: Aug. 16, 2017, 10:06 p.m.

Spreaker Live Show #123 for Aug 16th, 2017

Show Duration: 55 minutes

Host: Rob Greenlee, Head of Content, Spreaker @robgreenlee - rob(at)spreaker(dotcom)
Co-Host: Alex Exum, Host of “The Exum Experience Podcast” on Spreaker
We stream LIVE every Weds at 3 Pacific /6pm EST from

Show Today:
-World’s Largest Podcasting Conference “Podcast Movement” is Next Week
-How Full Control of Ad Injection is Revolutionizing Podcast Monetization
-Your comments

-Podcast Movement Event - in August, will be in Anaheim, CA Aug 22-25

On the show today:

We discuss Podcast Movement Conference coming up Next Week in Anaheim, CA in August, will be in Anaheim, CA Aug 23-25
Keynote Talks
Podcast Movement features many amazing speakers, and each year the event is headlined by a number of keynote talks that take place on the main stage in front of the entire event! Whether it is an up and coming independent podcaster teaching you what they've learned, or a high profile podcasting star telling you what it takes to get to the next level, these keynote talks are entertaining and inspiring!

Individual Breakout Session
Most sessions at Podcast Movement are considered individual breakout sessions. Each session is a part of a specific track and skill level, with a focus on a specific subject that fits within that track category. For example, in 2015 Lea Thau of Strangers had an amazing session on storytelling, which would be considered a breakout session on the Content Creation Track.

Networking Roundtables
You asked for it, you got it! You wanted more small group opportunities to have open conversations with fellow attendees, and we've got just the thing. These roundtable discussions will be lead by industry experts and leaders, but it is up to you and the others at your tables to guide the conversation, and get the most out of the session!

Panel Discussions
One of the best things about Podcast Movement is the element of collaboration, and learning from others. For this reason, we have a dedicated panel room, which during every breakout time slot hosts 3-5 experts discussing a given topic. Usually there is a moderator that will guide that discussion, and also facilitate Q&A from audience members.

Solutions Stages
In 2017 we're excited to announce the debut of two solution stages, which will find their home in the amazing new Expo Hall. Sessions on these stages are considered very hands-on and interactive. These will be the sessions where you'll want to bring your questions and curiosity to, and our experts will have the answers!

Extended Mastermind Sessions
You told us you wanted more time to talk over your podcast, your problems, and your overall journey in podcasting, and we've got just the thing! These double sessions will be lead by podcasting experts, and will guide you and your fellow attendees in finding what it will take to get your podcast to the next level.

We discuss Spreaker Announces Upgrade to Monetization Program: “How Full Control of Ad Injection is Revolutionizing Podcast Monetization”

What’s new?
Ad injection is when you earn money from audio and visual ads getting automatically placed throughout an episode at different intervals.
These ads are provided by our trusted partners.
Our new Revenue Sharing program allows ads to be automatically inserted into both downloaded episodes and stitched onto on-demand streaming.
Every time an ad gets an impression, meaning that it was listened to by your audience, you’ll earn a specific amount of money. In Spreaker’s case, you’ll get 65% per Cost per impression or CPM (1,000 impressions), depending on a variety of factors, like who is providing the ad.
It’s automatic. But here is the really smart bit:
You remain totally in control of the exact conditions of the ad insertion, which you can edit at any time.
Our new system allows to choose:
The position of the ad (pre-rolls and/or post-rolls)
How many ads to include and how often.
The maximum duration of the ad to be injected

Listener Comments:

Chris Top
The logo looks great. I feel like diversity happens on its own. Whenever it's forced by a company, corporation, whatever it feels fake. People should simply broadcast what they love and are passionate about. If it's good people of any background, color, or religion will listen.

TPB Podcast Network #XSQUAD
We need a better landing page for visitors

What I don't understand is the notion that some podcasters, or any media maker for that matter, believes that just because you create something that people will magically find you.

If you are going to engage in any of these platforms that have a super low barrier to entry, it is also your responsibility to learn how to build your own audience.

As a matter of fact, building your audience should be part of your content creation process.

Who are you creating content for?
Why would they listen?
You can just about find any audience on the internet if you do your homework.
And finding an audience doesn't mean that you have millions of viewers after creating 3 half-assed episodes.
Building a loyal audience is often slow and painful in the very beginning -- and that's ok.
So there is no problem with discoverability on the part of minorities or non-minorities (I hate using the word minority...).
It's about knowing how to build your audience.
Educate your people on how to find you. I listen to podcasts on apps on my phone, YouTube, blog posts, etc.
So while people may not be looking for podcasts in particular, they do consume media on other platforms. If you show up where your audience hangs out and you won't have a problem.

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