EP82: We are Moving to Rumble, NYS Mask Mandate Overturned, Crypto Crash 2022, John Stockton Banned by Gonzaga, NFL Playoffs

Published: Jan. 25, 2022, 10:03 p.m.


EP82: Moving to Rumble, NYS Mask Mandate Overturned, Crypto Crash 2022, John Stockton, NFL Playoffs


- NFL Playoffs
\\n- Stockton season tickets suspended for mask defiance https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/23/us/gonzanga-john-stockton-covid-19-mask-mandate/index.html
\\n- Crypto Crash 2022
\\n- Epstein Eight: Maxwell ends fight to block disclosure of names of eight John Does (# 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 73, 93, 151) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/whats-next-for-the-john-does-in-ghislaine-maxwells-settled-lawsuit/ar-AAT1ZNU
\\n- UK ends all mandates, is it over?? https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-52530518
\\n- Injunction on federal employee vaccine mandate
\\n- Defeatthemandates in DC
\\n- CDC Natural immunity Study https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-says-natural-immunity-outperformed-vaccines-against-delta-strain/ar-AASWPCZ
\\n- Freedom Truckers https://www.zerohedge.com/political/truckers-head-ottawa-freedom-rally-against-vaccine-mandate
\\n- NYS Mask Mandate Ruling/Appeal


- We are moving the Monday LIVE SHOW to Rumble: rumble.com/scappodcast




About the Sports, Clicks & Politics Podcast


SCAPP is a weekly podcast with a Livestream every Monday at 12pm eastern.


Join hosts Shawn Hannon and Ben Hussong as they separate the latest news from the noise impacting New York State. The podcast has frequent guest interviews for additional perspectives in the worlds or sports, politics and beyond!


Follow the show on social media


Website: scappodcast.com
\\nFacebook: facebook.com/scappodcast
\\nTwitter: @SCAPPodcast


Follow Shawn & Ben on social media
\\nFacebook: facebook.com/hannon44
\\nTwitter: @hannon44
\\nFacebook: facebook.com/ben.hussong.3
\\nTwitter: @benhussong



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