EP50: UFO Disclosure PsyOp, Secret Pentagon Army, Hunter Biden Laptop & Louis Freeh, Epstein & Bill Gates, Cuomo Book Deal & Chris Cuomo, Phil Mickelson wins PGA, Crypto Meltdown

Published: May 24, 2021, 11:58 p.m.


EP50: UFO Disclosure PsyOp?, Secret Pentagon Army, Hunter Biden Laptop & Louis Freeh, Epstein & Bill Gates, Cuomo Book Deal & Chris Cuomo, Phil Mickelson wins PGA, Crypto Meltdown


Join hosts Shawn Hannon and Ben Hussong as they separate the latest news from the noise impacting New York State.




- PGA CHAMPIONSHIP: Phil Mickelson wins PGA Championship at 50 years old!: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/golf/phil-mickelsons-pga-win-was-so-great-because-it-made-absolutely-no-sense/ar-AAKkiKI 


- CRYPTO CRASH: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/crypto-markets-lose-over-800-billion-week-bitcoin-bloodbath-accelerates 


- CUOMO BOOK DEAL: https://fee.org/articles/how-andrew-cuomo-pocketed-5-million-off-the-covid-crisis/ 


- CHRIS CUOMO part of strategy session: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cnns-chris-cuomo-helped-his-brother-ny-gov-andrew-cuomo-with-strategy-calls-to-craft-his-response-to-sexual-harassment-allegation; https://gizmodo.com/bill-gates-hoped-jeffrey-epstein-could-help-him-schmooz-1846920594s-wapo/ar-AAKcEOc 




- BILL GATES believed Epstein would help win Nobel Prize: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates appears to have hopelessly lost control of his efforts to do damage control on his once-budding bromance with fellow billionaire and notorious serial child abuser Jeffrey Epstein https://gizmodo.com/bill-gates-hoped-jeffrey-epstein-could-help-him-schmooz-1846920594


- MANHATTAN GUARDS: The two Bureau of Prisons workers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in a New York jail have admitted they falsified records, but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors https://apnews.com/article/business-government-and-politics-3a0b465c080e1b0a53ce15315179d542?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter


- FLORIDA: The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said Monday three separate investigations found "no evidence" of criminal wrongdoing by prosecutors and sheriff\'s officials over a plea deal with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, per the Palm Beach Post.https://news.yahoo.com/florida-investigation-clears-officials-wrongdoing-064837875.html 


- Hunter Biden Laptop: Former FBI director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden\'s grandchildren and spoke with the then vice president in 2016 \'to explore lucrative future work options\' with Hunter as the middle man https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9571753/Former-FBI-director-Louis-Freeh-gave-100-000-private-trust-Joe-Bidens-grandchildren.html


- PENTAGON SECRET ARMY: The Pentagon is running a 60,000-strong secret army made up of soldiers, civilians and contractors, who travel the world under false identities embedded in consultancies and name-brand companies \\u2014 without the knowledge of the American people or most of Congress https://nypost.com/2021/05/18/pentagon-reportedly-running-secret-global-army-of-60000/


- UFO/UAP DISCLOSURE OR PSYOP: AATIP(Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), Louis Alazando joined in 2008 and took over in 2010, came across a 2004 incident in SoCal seen by Navy ship USS Nimitz, unclassified videos, 2017 Navy videos leaked to NYT, last year Pentagon launches USP task force, Senate asks for unclassified report in June 2021, new footage of possible trans medium vehicle seen in SD by Navy in 2019




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Ben: @benhussong

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