The Wizard's Dilemma- Pages 193-245

Published: July 29, 2020, 3:15 a.m.

Thank you to Yama for commissioning this episode!
These chapters we get to see some of the preliminary efforts of Nita's forays into the test worlds, and it's a pretty neat idea altogether. She has to find the kernel of this little pocket universe, and it turns out that in his little playground, Kit ALSO is finding universe kernels. Which he apparently popped in his pocket and took home?
It's really neat to see Nita get to mess with magic in a way that's so lacking in consequences, because it's just very unlike the way magic has worked in this universe so far. Watching her create a thunderstorm is kind of dope, TBH.
Anyway, I'm worried about this whole plan, and I will see you see you soon with a new episode!