The Magicians, S03E09- All That Josh

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 8:23 p.m.

This episode is brought to you by Ashley, so thank you so much for commissioning it, Ashley!
This episode stays on my good side by not becoming a whole musical, and I appreciate that. There's a lot in this that is super fun, actually. I really enjoy the demon taking on Todd's appearance, because i just enjoy Todd sneaking back into things here and there. He's just such a weird one.
There's a bit of sadness to the joy of this episode, because it turns out that Josh is waiting for his friends to come rescue him and it seems like they've forgotten all about him. In truth, they didn't really come for him in the end, anyway. They came for the key.
Poor Josh.
Thanks for listening, everyone! See you again soon!