The Magicians, S03E04- Be The Penny

Published: Dec. 21, 2019, 7:30 p.m.

Thank you so much to Mathy for commissioning this episode!
So this episode I find out what's really going on with Penny, and it turns out to be worse than I had feared. Getting back into his body turns out to be the least of his problems, because turns out that nobody can hear or see him and so not a soul is aware he isn't actually dead. Then, by the end of the episode, his body gets burned what the hell?
Then there's the whole thing with Julia and the weird messages she's been getting from some unknown force. Thank goodness, too, or else Kady would be dead, and damn what a loss that would be. I really like Kady a lot and I hate watching her go through this.
Thanks so much to you all for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!