The Grace Of Kings- Episode 9

Published: Feb. 1, 2019, 1:30 a.m.

Giant thank-you to Kyle for commissioning this episode in which we meet a new female character, and where I'm very excited about it.
The whole thing about how a woman's life is so hard because she's pretty can sound like a massive cliche, but the thing is that it's just the other side of the same coin that unattractive women deal with because women are only valued as far as their looks and that's it. Turns out that women being treated as objects sucks for all of them, even when it kind of comes with its own privileges! Who knew!
Then there's the whole thing where Kuni and Mata disagree on what to do with the people in Dimu who do not trust the new batch of rebels coming in after Huno screwed them over so royally. Mata, not surprisingly, wants to kill everyone who refused to support them...and in the end, he gets his way, over Kuni's protests. It's pretty brutal.
Thank you all for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!