The Dark Lord Of Derkholm- Episode 3

Published: Nov. 19, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Welcome back to the Wonderful World Of Wynne Jones! I'm here with another episode sponsored by Patricia, and I really want you to read along so do yourselves a favor and get the book for yourself here!
So in these chapters, Derk summons a demon. It goes much worse than I expected, because the demon's mere presence is like acid on the skins of all the people who come in contact with it, and it doesn't stick around to cause mayhem where we can see it. Oh no, it darts away in a shot of blue lightning and we have no idea what it's doing now. You know the old adage about how the only worse thing than finding a spider in your room is finding a spider and then losing it?
There's some other fun stuff here, too. Mainly I'm interested in gods in this universe and how they work, and it's pretty cool that Wynne Jones has put some thought into how that works. I'm a big fan of this temple and the priest that Derk visits, and I would very much like to go there.
Thank you again to Patricia for commissioning this! I'm loving it.