Spoile Me! Sunshine- Episode 1

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 2 p.m.

Alright, so I'm pretty stoked because this is the first project for Spoil Me! that a sponsor has let me know they intend to have me cover in full. So if you're someone who likes following along with what I'm covering, but you haven't seen totally sold on investing your time in anything for Spoil Me! so far, I recommend using my link to pick up a copy of this book: https://amzn.to/2MZp8UQ
So far, this book is a great example of how to get me to believe in an alternate reality/timeline of supernatural events set in our world. That may seem simple, but it's really not an easy thing to pull off while still seeming natural and direct rather that unnecessarily convoluted, so props to Robin McKinley for that. Also, I'm a big fan of how scared she made her main character. RELATABLE.
I am really interested to see where the story goes from here. Why is this vampire in what amounts to a vampire oubliette? What did he do? And who is Bo? Because Bo sure seems like an asshole.
Thanks so much to Rosalie for commissioning this episode! If you're like to join me on Crowdcast for future episodes, you can find events at either https://www.unspoiledpodcast.com/events or https://www.facebook.com/unspoiledpod/events