Soulsmith- Chapters 1-3

Published: Aug. 27, 2020, 5:10 p.m.

Thank you so much to Andrew for commissioning this series!
I'm delighted to finally be starting the second book in this series, and there is so much we get opened up to us in this series of chapters! Yerin and Lindon are on the road, so to speak. On the cloud? And they're trying to keep a low profile when they're attacked by a weird group of people with venomous remnants sunk into their arms. Ew.
Meanwhile there's these rotten mongrels that decide to really fuck up their whole day, and it just seems like they can't catch a break. Just as shit is going left, we get some weird madra-suck that draws all the baddies away, with our heroes in hot pursuit.
Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!