Parable Of The Talents- Episode 5

Published: Feb. 21, 2020, 9:10 p.m.

Thank you so much to D'Nique for commissioning this episode!
I am so relieved, y'all. I mean, I can't tell you how fucked up I was by that last section, and while this one was arguably worse in terms of overall disturbing content, I at least got the relief of an escape at the end of it all. I just couldn't imagine putting down this book again with the knowledge that the next time I picked it up, everyone would still be enslaved. I couldn't handle that.
But that's not to say that all is going well, either. Larkin is off on her own, being raised by low-level maniacs who kind of despise her, and I'm sincerely concerned about what's going on with her relationship with her mom. I figure they will see one another again, but maybe I'm wrong. Ugh.
Thanks again for listening, and I will see you again soon with a new episode.