Parable Of The Sower- Episode 6

Published: Dec. 28, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Many thanks to Denise for sponsoring this episode!

I like that in this section, we start to see more of Lauren sharing this religion that she's made up and there is a much more receptive attitude among her crew than I expected. It seems like it's sort of not something that they intended, but more like her constantly reading her poetry to them is starting to subconsciously sink in. I like it.
We have a few new crew members, and I'm shocked that Lauren is actually into the guy because he's SO much older than her. I guess it makes sense because of how much she admired her father, and that this man could kind of represent a comforting authority figure, but damn I was not ready for that.
Meanwhile 2 new women join them as well, and there's something about how much more desperate they seem that makes me trust them less than the dude, whom I believe the crew would be a match for. I hope it doesn't turn out that these ladies are cutthroats.
Thanks so much for listening! I will see you soon with a new episode.