Dark, S03E08- Paradise

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 1:50 a.m.

Hoo Boy.
First of all, I want to thank Bert for commissioning the finale of Dark so that I was able to avoid further confusion and watch it quickly following the penultimate episode so that I wasn't too too lost.
That said, I am so angry throughout this episode that confusion turned out to be, in retrospect, something I needn't have worried about. This will go down in my mental Hall Of Shame as one of the most disappointing finales I've ever seen. There are so many plot points that are simply dropped and never brought up again! I name my issues with the episode itself on the podcast, but to list some things that I thought would be meaningful and seemed to not be:
Adam's cult. Who were they and where did they go? There was a whole thing in the first season with a giant back tattoo and a cult-like following of strangers, but absolutely nothing comes of that. It seems like we've retconned that all his followers were actually members of the Knot. Really? So where's he getting his funding and support from if everyone here is from a different time? Why did anyone listen to him, and why did they stop?
Claussen. Wow I guess he was just...fucking NOTHING. He was only the guy who gets the barrels open. Lame.
Aleksander. So apparently him being a murderer on the run just...didn't matter. I really can't see any way that it served the plot. I can't think of any events that stemmed from Hannah blackmailing him, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Why did we spend so much time on this?
Are we totally confident that nothing bad enough will happen in the future to cause Tannhaus to build this machine again anyway?
ugh whatever I'm annoyed