Dark, S01E04- Double Lives

Published: July 25, 2019, 5:55 p.m.

Thank you very much to Jill for commissioning this episode, so that I was able to finish recording the previous and have a reason to watch the next one immediately.
I am simply dying to know what the fuck is going on. I started to make some connections in this one, but I'm still not sure if they're all right, and there are other things that I've made no connection on at all. The only thing I still feel confident on is that Mikkel and Jonas's father Michael are the same person, although I don't really want to believe it because that means that Mikkel never gets home. I hate that.
I'm so confused about this stranger staying in the hotel, hovering around Jonas and fucking around with his map and stuff. I really don't know what to make of him. Is that Mads? Perhaps?
Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!