Crooked Kingdom- Episode 3

Published: June 3, 2019, 11:30 p.m.

Huge thanks to my dear Jaime for commissioning the next episode of Crooked Kingdom. I am really enjoying this book and I'm mystified as to what's happening.
At first things seem pretty straight-forward; our crew is meeting up with Van Eck to orchestrate the trade of his pregnant wife for Inej. Kaz is certain that the wily mercher is going to double-cross them, and he's ready, with a wild plan that includes nearly one hundred people in identical costumes riling up the crowd as a distraction.
But then, a third player descends in quite spectacular fashion, and it's the same folk we've encountered in a previous chapter; what appear to be Grisha with physical alterations or at the very least high-tech equipment. They're doing a wild smash-and-grab, and they're after Nina...but she's not here to play.
Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!