Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, S01E05- Josh And I Are Good People!

Published: Aug. 5, 2019, 4:20 p.m.

Many thanks to Joakim for purchasing the next episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!
This one is particularly dear to my heart because it basically involves a fantasy scenario that any competent person has probably had many many times: getting to take over your place of work and turn it inside out until it runs the way it's supposed to. *sighs dreamily* I love working for myself.
Mostly, though, this episode involves Rebecca trying to convince herself and Greg that she's not terrible, and she does a lot of terrible things to achieve it. In the end, she manages to see what she's doing at least a little bit, but it's painful to watch her perform for someone else.
Thank you all so much for listening, and I will be seeing you soon with a new episode!